Information About Our Partnerships
At Alliant International University, we believe in fostering partnerships that help match the needs of businesses with the skills, talents, and expertise of our student and faculty base.
We specialize in establishing educational alliances that enrich learning, improve existing training, and help organizations meet their goals. Through an Alliant partnership, your organization may benefit from access to a broad talent base across a variety of disciplines. And when we can match big ideas with the resources to bring them to life, the community and industry of California may benefit, too.
When you partner with Alliant, you’ll gain access to innovators who solve real-world problems, who have practical training in industry-leading programs, and who are committed to meaningful work that makes an impact in the community. Your organization may benefit from:
- Career-Oriented Programs: Our curriculum provides the perfect mix of theory and application, meaning our students graduate with the knowledge, real-world skills, and ethical values they need to serve and lead effectivity.
- Industry-Leading Accreditations: Alliant programs have accreditation from some of the most recognized names in professional industries, including the American Psychological Association (APA), the Commission on Accreditation of Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, and the Committee of Bar Examiners of the California State Bar.
- Certified B Corporation: As the first standalone university to receive B Corp certification, Alliant has proved its dedication to becoming a more socially and environmentally conscious organization. Through education and practice, our faculty, students, alumni, and staff are all dedicated to making a positive difference in the world.
To inquire about a partnership with your business, contact an Alliant staff member below:
Debbie Tebrock
AVP Partnership Development and Strategic Initiatives
Kimberly Gregorovic, M.Ed
Director, Partnerships and Community Outreach
Joel Calzada, MM/HRM, MBA
Director of Partnership Development
Rhea Johnson, MBA
Director of Partnership Development
Denise Garcia-Macias, MAEd
Director of Partnership Development
Current Partners:
- Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA)
- Association of California School Administrators (ACSA)
- California Association of School Psychologists (
- California Charter School Association
- California Association of School Counselors (CASC)
- Charter Schools Development Center
- City Year
- Fresno County Superintendent of Schools (including all Fresno County school districts)
- Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
- International Law Enforcement Educators & Trainers Association (ILEETA)
- Imperial County Office of Education (including all Imperial County school districts)
- Kaiser Permanente Mental Health Scholars Academy
- Kentfield Elementary School District
- King City Union School District
- Kings County office of Education (including all Kings County school districts)
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Mendocino County Office of Education (including all Mendocino County school districts)
- Oakland Unified School District
- Orange County Department of Education (including all Orange County school districts)
- Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology
- San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (including all San Bernardino school districts)
- San Diego County Office of Education (including all San Diego County school districts and community colleges)
- San Francisco Unified School District
- Shasta County Office of Education (including all Shasta County school districts)
- SPG Therapy and Education
- Sutter County Office of Education (including all Sutter County school districts)
- TEACH-LEAD San Diego
- Tracy Unified School District
- Trier University - Germany
- Utah Association of School Psychologists
- Ventura County Office of Education (including all Ventura County School Districts and community colleges)
California School of Management and Leadership (CSML) Educational Partners:
Academic Affiliation
- Universidad Cristobal Colon - Mexico
- Universidad Catolica de Cordoba - Argentina
- Americana Corporacion Universitaria - Colombia
- Pune Institute of Business Management (PIBM) - India
- Trier University of Applied Sciences - Germany
- Montpellier Business School - France
- EduConnect - USA
- Vatel Institute of Hospitality Management - USA